1. Sabine Blumensath
  2. State Certified Translator (BDÜ)
  3. English - German
  1. Wilhelmstraße 45
  2. 52070 Aachen
  3. Germany
  1. Phone: +49 (0) 241 91 48 46 30
  2. Mobile: +49 (0) 176 23 93 51 23
  3. E-Mail: anfrage@sabine-blumensath.de

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Prices

    My prices depend on the document's level of difficulty. For translations , the word price in the source language generally varies between EUR 0.12 and EUR 0.16. The prices for the “express service” are higher, depending on the short-term nature of the assignment. A higher word price is also charged for translations from German into English.

    The hourly rate in the field proofreading ranges from EUR 30 to EUR 35. The prices for the „express service“ are higher, depending on the short-term nature of the assignment.

    I will gladly send you a tentative offer but please note that it is not possible for me to make an offer without having seen the text beforehand.

    Therefore, please send me an email with the respective documents or simply use the contact form.